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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy


Equality and Diversity Coordinator

Governor Link

Carrie Burrows Pinns

Date approved by Governing Body

October 24

Next review date

October 25

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy


This policy outlines the vision for equality, diversity and inclusion within Co-op Academy Priesthorpe. The policy covers the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998.


Co-op Academy Priesthorpe values and respects individual’s differences. These differences include, but are not limited to gender, ethnicity, culture, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or belief, learning styles and those with a caring responsibility. Co-op Academy Priesthorpe’s vision is that by valuing diversity and being inclusive, it will enable the communities it serves.

Vision and Values

The vision at Co-op Academy Priesthorpe is to inspire all students to love learning and leave school with exceptional outcomes, equipped and motivated to contribute fully to life within their own communities and beyond. The Academy believes in promoting co-operative values such that students will:

  • Recognise that diversity should be celebrated
  • Work together to make a difference in school, the community and beyond
  • Support each other in an equitable manner to ensure the success of all
  • Be treated fairly, with due regard to their needs.
  • Be rewarded fairly
  • Have the right to be involved making decisions in the Academy

Academy Context

Co-op Academy Priesthorpe is situated between Leeds and Bradford and is part of a vibrant and diverse community, of which it includes over 1100 students and over 130 staff. Students and staff celebrate diversity at the academy with 22 different languages spoken, many religions and faiths followed, an LGBTQ+ ‘Allies’ group and an Equality and Diversity committee.

What we mean by equality  

At Co-op Academy Priesthorpe we understand equality to mean treating everyone with equal dignity and worth, valuing their particular characteristics, such as their age, disability, gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic, circumstances.

We further understand that people have different needs, situations and goals, and, therefore achieving equality requires the removal of discriminatory barriers so that people, especially children and young people can do and be who they want to be. We recognise that inequality can be experienced in a variety of ways, such as through outcomes, access to services, the degree of independence to make decisions affecting lives and inequality of treatment, including in relation to employment, through direct and indirect discrimination or disadvantage imposed by other individuals, groups, institutions or systems intentionally or inadvertently.


  • The Academy Community Council will monitor and review the working of the policy and procedures through the allocation of duties to senior Academy staff and committees of the ACC.
  • The Principal has overall responsibility for this Equal Opportunities policy. On a day-to-day basis the responsibility for the organisation and implementation of this will lie with a member of the Academy Leadership Team who will be able to present general reports, statistics and incident reports to the Academy Community Council and its committees as agreed with the Principal.
  • The Vice Principal (Curriculum) is responsible for ensuring equal opportunities in the curriculum.
  • All students and staff are responsible for following this policy and reporting incidents of unequal treatment to the appropriate senior member of staff.

Our Academy will:

  • Be at the heart of the community, underpinning co-operative values to create a welcoming environment for all, celebrate the diversity of the communities we serve and promote community cohesion.
  • Ensure that diversity, equality and inclusion run through everything we do.  
  • Publish our own academy equality, diversity and inclusion statement, equality objectives and review and update annually.
  • Bi-annually review admissions processes.
  • Have clear complaints procedures and report complaints annually.
  • Advertise community/staff/parent/carer governing opportunities to our community

Our teachers will ensure that:

  • Teaching styles, methods, language, questioning and classroom management includes and engages all students.
  • Suitable resources are chosen which motivate and are sensitive to different groups, cultures and backgrounds.
  • Stereotypes and what are thought to be stereotypical activities are effectively challenged.
  • They are aware of possible cultural assumptions and bias within their own attitudes.
  • Discriminatory behaviour is challenged and dealt with in a consistent, professional and timely manner.

Our Leadership and Management:

  • Senior Leaders are responsible for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are put in place to monitor the performance of disadvantaged students. Measures would include:
  • Identifying and investigating any patterns with regard to exclusions and poor attendance in respect of particular groups.
  • Addressing issues such as sexual or racial harassment, bullying and hostile behaviour and ensuring that there are effective procedures for reporting and responding to such incidents.
  • Ensuring that the performance of different groups of students is monitored and evaluated so that the particular needs of different students are met
  • The impact of additional support on standards achieved is evaluated.
  • qIt is essential that there is an appropriate response to identified patterns of attainment, progress, behaviour, attitudes and attendance.

It is the responsibility of leaders to ensure that: 

  • Strategies are implemented to raise performance, aspirations and self-esteem.
  • Staff development is provided to raise awareness of differences in need and to promote strategies to raise achievement in all students.
  • An environment is created which affirms and supports ethnic, cultural, religious and social diversity and effectively promotes good personal, community and race relations.
  • The Academy publishes equalities objectives in line with those of the Central Trust

Impact for Students :

  • All students will have equal access to all Academy curriculum programmes of study throughout each Key Stage, and non-compulsory courses, according to ability
  • The Academy is committed to full educational inclusion (see SEND policy); Reasonable adjustments will be made for students who require auxiliary aids and provision of services for disabled students
  • All subjects will have equality of opportunity at their core and make explicit references within medium and long term learning plans to ensure full progression.
  • All Academy Development Plans will act to improve the learning of students according to this analysis.
  • Academy rules for students clearly and explicitly forbid the verbalisation or vocalisation of discrimination on the grounds of race, culture, religion, gender, transgender sexuality, ability/disability, pregnancy and maternity and gender reassignment

Links to other School Policies and Areas of the Curriculum:

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is linked closely to whole school policies and cross-curricular areas including:


Anti-Bullying Policy

SEND Policy

Behaviour and Engagement in Learning Policy

Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

SEND Local Offer

Exclusion Policy

Equality Objectives