We're part of Co-op Academies Trust. Financial information for the Trust can be found here.
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers
We’ve attached our reports below. In the reports you’ll find how funding is used and the impact it has.
The date of our next Pupil Premium Review is September 2023
Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2025
Catch up Premium
Catch up Premium is money from the government that helps schools provide additional support in literacy and numeracy to pupils. The funding is targeted towards those students who do not meet age related expectations in numeracy and literacy at KS2.
Free School Meals
If you are entitled to free school dinners, you first need to apply for this.
How to apply for Free School Meals
For parents and carers who live in Bradford, Kirklees, North Yorkshire or Wakefield but have children who attend a school or Academy in Leeds, please click the below link.
If you need any help, pop in or call us
School Finances
Information about school finances can be found on the Schools financial benchmarking