Performance Data
Principal Louise Pratt said:
'We are proud to celebrate the 2023 outcomes with our Year 11 students and their families. The overall Progress 8 figure is above national figures for academies nationally for the second consecutive year, following a sustained 4 year upward trend in attainment and achievement.'
Headlines 2023
Overall Progress 8: 0
English Progress 8 Basket: -0.16
Maths Progress 8 Basket: +0.53
Ebacc Progress 8 Basket: +0.19
Open Progress 8 Basket: -0.07
Overall Attainment 8: 46.2
The proportion of students achieving a Grade 4 or higher in English and Maths was 67.4%.
The proportion of students achieving a Grade 5 or higher in English and Maths was 47.7%.
The proportion of students achieving the Ebacc, with a Grade 4 or higher in all subjects, was 19.2%.
The proportion of students achieving the Ebacc, with a Grade 5 or higher in all subjects, was 15%.
72.5% of our students achieved a Standard Pass, Grade 4, or higher.
57.5% of our students achieved a Strong Pass, Grade 5, or higher.
76.2% of our students achieved a Standard Pass, Grade 4, or higher.
56.5% of our students achieved a Strong Pass, Grade 5, or higher.
Year 11 Destinations
Our Year 11 Destinations data is as follows:
- 2.6% NEET
- 90.7% in Further Education, including 28.5% in our own sixth form and
- 6.7% in Apprenticeships or employment.
Post 16
At Post 16 we are celebrating strong outcomes across a range of different subjects including, BTEC Diploma and Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care, Cambridge Technical IT, A Level Criminology, A Level RE, A Level English Literature, BTEC Diploma in Business, A Level Sociology, A Level Applied Science and A Level Psychology. All have outcomes above national figures.
The average grade for Applied General courses is a Merit = For A Level courses it is a grade D+.
We are delighted that 75% of Year 13 students completing in 2023 have progressed to university and 5% to apprenticeships. 10% have secured employment, 5% have made the decision to take a gap year and 5% remain in further education. Our Post 16 retention figure is 87%.
DfE Compare School Performance Tables
More information can be found in the School Performance Tables
Exam Boards